1 files, last one added on Apr 29, 2016 Album viewed 57 times
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Random files - redskulldc's Gallery
Extra key-switch installed for right-shift607 viewsI had two spare keytops in my kit, not sure if this will be the case for everyone?
Installed one of them in the circled position to better support the long, right-shift key.
The keytop will mate with both key-switches.
256TC damage in Battery area494 viewsSome minor track damage in the Battery area on the motherboard.
Looks physical rather than chemical damage.
Battery appears to have been removed before any leakage!
7805 Regulator mounting under keyboard frame592 viewsLike "Gadget" (Terry) I found the supplied wire too awkward for mounting the 7805.
Some solid core wire was much easier to line up with the holes.
(Legs from a 1Watt resistor would suffice also)
1632_revD_top194 views1632 Revision D Core board with 16Kb ram fitted.
From an early "MicroBee 16"
256TC backup program.274 views256TC backup program running, 98% complete. Both new drives are functioning.
Sony MPF-920e E/131159 viewsSony MPF-920e E/131 on a simple disk exerciser prior to any modification.
128k Series 3 up and running209 views128k Series 3 machine after a power supply refurb.
18-07-12 Initial Unboxing847 viewsAll the bits appear to be there.
Now time to RTFM before firing up the soldering iron.
Last additions - redskulldc's Gallery
128k Series 3 up and running209 views128k Series 3 machine after a power supply refurb.May 08, 2016
128k disk system power supply181 viewsPower Supply from a 128k disk system box.
"Magic Smoke" has escaped from the 0.1uF Mains filter cap.May 08, 2016
Sony MPF-920e E/131159 viewsSony MPF-920e E/131 on a simple disk exerciser prior to any modification. Apr 29, 2016
8328-4-04cr_bottom277 views8328-04-04CR 32/64 PAK Coreboard Underside viewJul 26, 2015
8328-4-04cr_top194 views8328-04-04CR 32/64 PAK CoreboardJul 26, 2015
1632_revD_bottom186 views1632 Revision D Core board with 16Kb ram fitted.
From an early "MicroBee 16".Jul 01, 2015
1632_revD_top194 views1632 Revision D Core board with 16Kb ram fitted.
From an early "MicroBee 16"Jul 01, 2015
256TC backup program.274 views256TC backup program running, 98% complete. Both new drives are functioning.Apr 30, 2015